The longer I live here, the more I realize the things that are so unique about Bali. For example, the way they do SPAS! The majority of the spas here are incredibly affordable compared to what I am used to in NYC, but yet they still maintain such great quality and service for each + every experience. Before moving here...
Read MoreRove Shoot: The Greek Get-away
It’s been a while since I’ve shared any shoots on my blog, which is funny because we have been shooting non stop! Haha, sorry about that! However, this shoot in particular was really special to me because it was for one of my favorite brands that...
Read MoreLife Update: Bali Hotels, Bali Fashion, Mount Agung + more!
So apparently my weekly update for you guys actually turned into a monthly one this time... whoops!! Sorry about that! Who knew month #2 ((can you believe we’ve actually been away from home for 2 months already!?)) would get so incredibly hectic!! Since my last...
Read MoreWhat I Packed to Move from NYC to Bali
As soon as Zach and I decided to move to Bali, the immediate question I started to ask myself was, "What in the world am I going to pack!?" I already get anxious about packing for a week long trip... much less moving across the world for a year! Not to mention, we had already...
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